FAQs: Designation Process
The FAQs are intended to provide guidance to parties on the policy provisions and the administration of SIRA. They do not constitute as legal advice.
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Which entities have been designated?
All designation of entities will be notified in the Government Gazette. OSIR also maintains and publishes an updated list of designated entities.
What are the considerations in designating an entity?
Designation is not a process treated lightly and will only be done, if necessary, in the interest of Singapore’s national security.
Various factors will be taken into consideration in deciding which entities should be considered for designation. These include:
Whether the entity provides a critical function in relation to Singapore’s national security interests, such as the delivery of essential goods or services to Singapore; and
Whether the entity is adequately covered by sectoral legislation.
Should a designated entity subsequently cease to meet these criteria, cancellation of its designation may be possible.
What is the designation process?
Unless considered to be not practicable or desirable to do so, before the Minister designates any entity, notice will be given to the entity of the Minister’s intent to designate it and the entity will generally be given at least 14 calendar days after the date of the notice to make representations on the proposed designation.
Once a designation is made, as far as practicable, the Minister will notify the designated entity and any other parties who, in the Minister’s opinion, ought to have notice of the designation. Any designation, or cancellation of designation, will be notified in the Government Gazette.
Parties can seek reconsideration from the Minister within 14 calendar
days after his decisions; after which, they may appeal to a Reviewing Tribunal
within 30 calendar days after the reconsideration outcome.
Parties may wish to refer to Designation Process for a step-by-step process flow.
How long will a designated entity be designated for?
There is no duration tagged to designation. The entity will be designated
for so long as it is in the interest of Singapore's national security.
Any cancellation of designation will be notified in the Government Gazette. OSIR also maintains and publishes an updated list of designated entities.
If designated, can the entity have its designation backdated?
Entities cannot be retrospectively designated.
Obligations arising out of designation will only apply from the point of designation until such time when the designation is cancelled.
Can an entity apply for reconsideration or appeal against a designation, and will the entity remain designated pending the outcome of these processes?
Parties can seek reconsideration from the Minister within 14 calendar days after his decision on designation; after which, they may appeal to a Reviewing Tribunal within 30 calendar days after the reconsideration decision.
The Minister’s decision to designate the entity remains in effect, and must be complied with until it is cancelled on reconsideration. The Minister’s reconsideration decision remains in effect until it is reversed on appeal.